Makeup By Felicia La Tour

Peace of Mind for Moms

positvity, Mom, Health, BabyFelicia LaTourComment

Peace of mind for a mom :

As a mother, a new mother, peace of mind and balance is probably one of the things I am personally struggling with until today. I'm sure other moms feel the same way I feel, like the only one trying to find balance/quiet time. 

My little family just moved into a new home and I'm loving it! Work is kind of slow but I use that as an opportunity to create other things in my life which build towards the future. Also using this as time to spend with Peace. Recently I became a vegan ( which I will be sharing in a separate post) but I went vegan to tap into a higher power of myself within myself. I was seeking clarity. Clarity for steps towards my future but proper, diligent steps. 

With that being said, I notice my life shifting, everything is shifting. It is sometimes really crazy to think about but I know it is for a great reason. Not only are the people in my life shifting, but work and my aspirations are shifting drastically. I am extremely creative, which is a blessing and a curse. Sometimes too creative that it drives me crazy lol. With all of these shifts going on in my life I started to feel a bit loopy(crazy). I frantically organized the house today and finished unpacking the last couple of boxes so that I could get the vibes going within the new house. 

Oh yea, I forgot to mention, Peace is teething so finding balance seemed almost impossible lol. Like I was saying, I organized the house, lite my candles and nag Champa and told myself to listen to the voice that kept telling me "meditate, be still, don't be hard on yourself, meditate." 

As a mother, it's hard for us to get that quiet time and the chance to turn everything off. So as soon as I put Peace to bed, I turned off the lights quickly and turned on my meditation music and sat in the vibe for 20 minutes. Man oh man, what a weight off my shoulders. Just feeling calm and at Peace. 

I say all of this to encourage us mothers to make sure we are taking care of ourselves. Make sure we make quiet time for ourselves so we can be better parents and we can also have patience for our little ones. Being the best person we can be. Not even the best mother because before we were mothers we were people, our own individual and we can't forget that. We have to make that person so powerful. The world will break you down but God made us women for a reason. We are the back bone. So keep in mind mamas, take time for yourself and turn everything off. Treat yourself to the gift of stillness.

Peace and Blessings
Xoxo- Fee