Makeup By Felicia La Tour


Celsius + Empowering Workouts !

Baby, Health, Mom, positvity, FitnessFelicia LaTourComment

Heyyyyy! So many of you have seen me post this new drink called Celsius on my instagram page before my workouts. I love this drink so much and I wanted to share it with everyone so you can get familiar with this product. I get asked a lot of questions so here goes all the answers. Before I do my own review, I want to share some brief details on it. 

"Celsius uses green tea and other natural ingredients to boost your metabolism by up to 12%* and speed up fat oxidation, that is, the process of converting fat into energy. This produces thermogenesis, making calorie burning more effective when you exercise. Best of all, Celsius is also a negative calorie beverage, so you get to put that little minus symbol on your calorie counting records. It’s perfect for those on weight loss programs as it helps break the barrier of the weight loss plateau. Even if you aren’t looking to lose weight, you’ll gain the energy you need to maintain the momentum in your healthy lifestyle" - Celsius

Now with all that good stuff being said, lets jump into my weight lose journey. Once I had the baby, I looked down and said " how am I going to lose this 60 lbs. that I gained!?" I was so  nervous but instead of hiding out, I started working out with my friends and they encouraged me to do it! I would do weekly workouts such as; Soul Cycle , Modo Yoga, Hot 8 Yoga, Hiking, Gym, circuit training and my latest obsession is running using my Nike App. (The nike app is really fun because you're keeping track of your run and always trying to beat your last record.) Ok so I lost 50lbs. but that last 10 was the hardest to get off! Thats when I started drinking celsius. I was meeting up to workout with my girlfriend Caroline and she asked me "have you tried this drink?" I saw it before but I didn't have the chance to pick one up yet. I follow Russell Simmons on instagram and I figured " well, we have similar lifestyles, I should give it a try" from then I fell in love lol. I lost my last 10lbs. of weight recently and I do think it has a lot to do with my eating lifestyle which is vegan as well as celsius, the balance of all these things put together. I have a lot more energy when working out and the 100 calories you burn from just drinking it before your workout is such a perk! I literally power through my workouts and I don't want to stop lol! Its funny actually lol! 

My girlfriends and I get together 1-2 times a week to workout, we drink our celsius and catch up before working out. I think having friends to encourage you and workout with you on a weight lose journey is such a blessing! My friend Mariah is a yoga instructor and runs, than Caroline is a beast with the workout classes and is an amazing actress. We always get together and make one another feel powerful with planting seeds of encouragement while staying fit and healthy. We keep one another on our toes in every area and work through the hard and celebrate the good. Always keeping Mind, Body, and spirit in alignment!! We will be doing " Empowerment workouts" for women soon so keep your eyes peeled :) I think everyone women should experience the bond we have when working towards greatness with women who have your back! 

We all enjoy wearing nike women clothing while working out. For moms, trying to lose their baby weight, I recommend using their high waisted pants because your workout will be a lot more comfortable. It will hold in your baby gut which takes time to disappear!!!

I hope this post encourages someone to get healthy and have fun doing so! Give Celsius a try and let me know what you think :) Also, tag @Celsiusoffical on instagram and help them recognize our post !!!! Here is a quick video on what my girls and I do when working out enjoy :) 

All video & Photography By: Chris Paul Thompson


Xo - Fee

" Figuring out Me "

positvity, Baby, Mom, Health, OprahFelicia LaTour2 Comments

Hi Everyone!


Man oh man, its been a minute, but it feels good to be inspired artistically and just open to create again. It took me a while to grasp motherhood but I'm learning and growing everyday. So much has happened since I've last blogged. I mean, to be honest with you, I wasn't inspired at all. I was in a funk, pretty much the whole year. Ya know, I was just trying to get it together after having a baby. It was very difficult for me mentally. I needed to just step away for a moment and figure out what I wanted out of life as well as what made me happy. I had to figure out who the heck this new woman was. Right when you think you have all the answers, you realize you actually don't. Funny how that seems to always happen lol. For the moms out there who are maybe going through an identity crisis and maybe uncomfortable in their own skin I am here to encourage you to hang on tight! Just know that whatever you're going through, in your journey, is always going to be ok. Don't go against the grain as I did for so long, embrace change. Keeping in the forefront of your mind that through every struggle a blessing is sure to come up! I have been creating some amazing things and I have to say it feels great but is also a little tough at times because I have the baby. Happy to be back and anxious to inspire those around me ! I'm not letting anything get in my way and even if you don't have a child, I encourage you to have the same attitude. 


On this day, Peace and I decided we wanted to do a photo shoot at this cool temple in Malibu,California , sadly it was closed :( Being the optimistic person I am, I decided to stop at the beach on the way back to the city! Peace has never been and I was so anxious to see her reaction to the sand, water, and animals! Malibu is a great beach, very clean, I always see dolphins and wales which is the reason a sista only dips her feet in lol! I was wearing my super cool pants from Durban, South Africa that had a zipper in the front like a built in fanny pack! Love love these pants!  Peace was dressed in her cute little  dress from Mexico ( Thanks Tìo Ralph) we were all cultured lol! Being that I have been traveling a lot for work, I like to buy really cool clothes for Peace and I, I'm thinking about making a memory box for her filled with all the shirts I buy her from each city/state/country ! I've always wanted to travel so its a treat for me to be able to bring stuff back!!!! Enjoy our beach moment and thanks for visiting :) 


Photography By : Chris Paul Thompson




FeeLove Merch Now Available!!!!

positvity, Mom, BabyFelicia LaTour1 Comment


I am so so so excited about finally launching FeeLove Merchandise! I have been working on this for about a year and to see it finally happen makes me so happy! I love everyone who supports my Positvity/ healthy living/ mommy/ beauty movement! Words can't describe the amount of gratitude I have to those who inspire me to keep posting and tell me I help them with my relatability! 

In the Shop section of FeeLove, you will see lifestyle things that I use day to day. Things that are me and my genuine lifestyle. I didn't want to sell you guys products that didn't fit me so I made sure I stayed true to myself! ​

This first item we are releasing is the " mommy and me" #Positive Vibes Only Tee. This is a saying I've been using for a while now and I wanted to start with this because I love how inviting it is to all things GOOD! Making it known before you approach, " miss me with the negative vibes". The most important part is that the message is on the baby shirt! Sometimes as parents we can get caught up in day to day struggles and that quick glance at your little ones T might change your whole mood. A friendly reminder to be optimistic. As they say, our children are our biggest teachers so let's keep that in mind! ​


Peace and I have both put in so much work with this collection and I am thankful for the strength to fight for it until it finally came to life. Finding designers to create my vision was a hassle, I've never ran a retail store before so I had to learn a lot! Now that everything is set in stone I'm just grateful ! Share with a friend! Please! Hashtag #FeeLove #PositiveVibesOnly also so we can see what you're working with!  

Thank you for all your support again!  

Xo- Fee & Peace-Marie ... 

DIY: Glitter Vase

Mom, positvity, DIY ProjectsFelicia LaTourComment

If you know me, you know I love to do arts and crafts and can get real creative when in my zone. This is a project for anyone! The impatient mom who is waiting to hit 40weeks ( put a mask on. ) Or even the mom who has some down time while the little one naps. I mean, you don't even really have to have kids I just recommend this for moms because its a way for us to be able to have a little fun moment to ourselves. Make this with your girlfriends or even for your desk at work, the list goes on! Click play and lets get started. 


A few things in the video I want you to know:

- I used 2 layers of spray paint, the first layer I let dry for about a minute before applying the second layer. Keep in mind, holding the spray paint far away from Mason Jar will help it have even coats without dripping spots. 

- I worked fast when putting on the glue so that it didn't dry before applying the glitter. 

- I let the glitter/glue dry for about 30 minutes before putting flowers inside. 


(I purchased everything from Joan's Art store)

* Kyrlon- Metallic Spray Paint

* Mason Jar (Large size)

* Mod Podge (Glossy)

* Gold Glitter ( Any brand, I like the the thicker pieces of glitter)

* Paint Brush

* Fresh Flowers :) 



Xoxo- Fee

( Leave comments on my instagram to let me know what you think as well as put in requests for more cool DIY) 

Peace of Mind for Moms

positvity, Mom, Health, BabyFelicia LaTourComment

Peace of mind for a mom :

As a mother, a new mother, peace of mind and balance is probably one of the things I am personally struggling with until today. I'm sure other moms feel the same way I feel, like the only one trying to find balance/quiet time. 

My little family just moved into a new home and I'm loving it! Work is kind of slow but I use that as an opportunity to create other things in my life which build towards the future. Also using this as time to spend with Peace. Recently I became a vegan ( which I will be sharing in a separate post) but I went vegan to tap into a higher power of myself within myself. I was seeking clarity. Clarity for steps towards my future but proper, diligent steps. 

With that being said, I notice my life shifting, everything is shifting. It is sometimes really crazy to think about but I know it is for a great reason. Not only are the people in my life shifting, but work and my aspirations are shifting drastically. I am extremely creative, which is a blessing and a curse. Sometimes too creative that it drives me crazy lol. With all of these shifts going on in my life I started to feel a bit loopy(crazy). I frantically organized the house today and finished unpacking the last couple of boxes so that I could get the vibes going within the new house. 

Oh yea, I forgot to mention, Peace is teething so finding balance seemed almost impossible lol. Like I was saying, I organized the house, lite my candles and nag Champa and told myself to listen to the voice that kept telling me "meditate, be still, don't be hard on yourself, meditate." 

As a mother, it's hard for us to get that quiet time and the chance to turn everything off. So as soon as I put Peace to bed, I turned off the lights quickly and turned on my meditation music and sat in the vibe for 20 minutes. Man oh man, what a weight off my shoulders. Just feeling calm and at Peace. 

I say all of this to encourage us mothers to make sure we are taking care of ourselves. Make sure we make quiet time for ourselves so we can be better parents and we can also have patience for our little ones. Being the best person we can be. Not even the best mother because before we were mothers we were people, our own individual and we can't forget that. We have to make that person so powerful. The world will break you down but God made us women for a reason. We are the back bone. So keep in mind mamas, take time for yourself and turn everything off. Treat yourself to the gift of stillness.

Peace and Blessings
Xoxo- Fee

Get out and Celebrate YOU!!! #MommyMonday ......

Baby, Mom, positvityFelicia LaTourComment

It took everything out of me not look back this weekend while heading out on a girls trip to Vegas. Sometimes I need to let my hair done and have some fun instead of just working and trying to "figure" out life. Yes, I do too try and figure things out and than snap out of it quickly. So back to my story, I went to Vegas with my girlfriends and I was able to be Felicia again for 24 hrs. It was my first time away from baby Peace and I had to use "power of the mind" for this trip. 

I didn't realize how much I would miss her as well as my fiancé but I did pretty damn good. I also felt free of not worrying about someones diaper change or feeding. I was only in charge of myself and it felt really weird yet good. Peace had daddy daughter time and it was perfect because I was able to let them bond together without me looking over his shoulder to make sure he changed her right. Its important for us to let them bond,  really important.  

Ya know, I think its a necessity ( and I encourage) for moms to consider doing a quick get away with friends or even alone. Step away from your world for just a few days and focus on you and celebrate YOU. We forget to do that as women, and as mothers, I think a lot of women forget to just take care of themselves. We are women, we are powerful and deserve everything attainable and more. Take care of yourself and let your hair down every once in a while to recharge. Life is good, don't forget that, enjoy yourself  !!

Peace and Blessings, 

Xoxo- Fee La Tour 


positvity, Oprah, HealthFelicia LaTourComment

What a great year 2014 was !!! A year of learning while pressing forward towards goals. I think 2014 helped me in a sense of having clearer visions for myself. No more foggy visions, which means I am only getting closer to the goals I am striving to accomplish. One thing I swear by is a vision board. I use my vision board to keep me on track to what it is I am trying to accomplish. You can use it for short term goals or long term goals. What I usually recommend is start with short term goals so that you don't feel overwhelmed. Watch the Video and I will explain to you how to create your vision board for the year of 2015!!!

Happy New Year LoveLights !!

Xoxo- Fee La Tour 

12 Weeks Postpartum / How's mommy hood?

positvity, Mom, Baby, HealthFelicia LaTourComment

We are almost to our 3 month mark with baby Peace and I have to admit, she's the BEST thing that has ever happen to me! She will be 12 weeks on Christmas and time is flyinggggg by. It makes no sense how quickly they grow. 

Being a mom has opened my eyes so much. I am able to be a teacher and a student, I am able to know what unconditional love is, I am able to see someone smile for absolutely no reason at all. You get so excited about the littlest things i.e.: "OMG she smiled!" or "She rolled over!" It takes everything back to its simplest form and its such a blessing to be apart of learning  some new tools all over again. 

My work life is going pretty good. I honestly don't have an OFF button when it comes to work so I went back only 3 weeks after having Peace. Now that I am 12 weeks into being a mom, I am going to try and ease up a bit on work. I am realizing the importance of allowing my body to heal (mentally, spiritually, physically) properly  takes time. It took 9 months to create this little person and I had to be told 1,000 times "take it easy Fee!' I recently had a really big emotional breakdown just from being overwhelmed and I pulled the plug finally telling myself to rest.

A lot of moms to be ask me "did you go through that postpartum depression thing?" HA! Ya damn right I did. It isn't fun. I still notice myself having moments of feeling down and weary but I make sure I deal with those emotions and vent to someone I know loves me. It isn't an easy thing. Your body is trying to figure out how to be "normal" again. Just like my mother-in-law tells me "don't be so hard on yourself, your body needs time."

Peace is my little best friend, I am so thankful for her! She gives me a hunger and fire within that nobody else could have ever done. She has like magical powers of me lol, I am sooooo in love!!! She goes everywhere with me and just keeps me on my toes. She lovesssss people and loves to smile. She just learned how to get peoples attention by her oohhh's & Ahhhh's its amazing! 

I can now say I know what a mothers love feels like. Its been 12 weeks and everything still seems so surreal. I love the good, bad, and ugly because who would I really be if it was only always good. For the parents who aren't in your children's life, let me be the first to tell you, YOU ARE CRAZY! Don't let another day slip away without being with your little one. Nurture them like you would a plant, feed them, love them, read them. Its a beautiful thing and I am so excited to see what this next 12 weeks brings!

Peace & Blessings 

Xoxo- Fee 

Mommy love you Peace-Marie <3



Manifesting GREATNESS : Jhenè Aiko story

Health, Beauty, Mom, positvityFelicia LaTourComment

I had to share this story with you guys ! This is something that can affect everyone being that it is a motivational / inspirational thing that can give you hope and perseverance . 

At 7 months pregnant I remember driving down the street and having this random feeling . I called my fiancé and said " Babe , I am going to do Jhenè Aiko's makeup . I know that my hand can create what she wants and I think she will appreciate my artistry / style ." I claimed it and moved on with my day . 

Now ,  a lot of people don't know this but I was in a makeup funk of not wanting to be an artist anymore . I wanted to just curl up in a ball and throw my brushes to the waste side . I was wanting something more and wanted to give up . Well they tell you when you feel like giving up , KEEP GOING ! Usually its the " enemy " trying to make it to where you can't receive your blessing . I stood strong , I would call my sister and cry and tell her I want to quit and just go back to school . I am mentally & physically tired and I want to be left alone . With that being said , I would still go out and bless people with feeling beautiful and exchange energy because my spirit wouldn't allow me to stop . Something was whispering " keep going , its not over ..." 

Hanging on when you feel you've given your all is sometimes very draining . If you hear that little voice encouraging you , I encourage you to keep on going like its suggesting . I continued to hang on and the unimaginable happened . That thing that was telling me to hang on was for a reason. I get a phone call from Jhenès team and they wanted me to do makeup for her music video . I looked at my phone and laughed because I remember about 5 months prior I was saying I want to work with this soul ! Not only is she talented but her spirit , her spirit is AWAKE and alert . A lot of people can understand what I mean by that and others may think I am speaking another language lol . 

The day comes where I have to do her makeup and I wasn't nervous , I knew I was suppose to be there and I knew my spirit was comfortable and ready to express itself . We exchange energy and I tell her the same story that I am sharing with you and she laughs . We keep working on more projects and creating . Last  night , as I was getting her ready for her show in Los Angeles , CA . I was excited and just kept playing that moment when I called my fiancé and claimed what I wanted and what my soul was trying to tell me . 

I am looking at this soul on stage perform and express herself with a crowd full of people who are able to relate and exchange feelings , emotions , and energy . Her band plays their instruments doing their souls purpose and everyone is vibe'n'.   As I look up at her perform I can't help but tell God " thank you " very softly under my breath . Working closely with someone who knows them self and they touch so many souls on a spiritual level is an amazing thing . 

I am sharingl this in hopes to inspire someone . ANYTHING is achievable , but you have to be willing to take risks & hustle extremely hard . My social life comes 4th in line to everything . You can ask all my friends , they know that my work is my everything along with my family and they respect it . It takes sacrifice and perseverance with a whole lot of powerful prayers and thinking clearly / positive. Its not a trend , its a lifestyle that I encourage everyone to take part of . There is power in working on yourself and bringing to life all your dreams . You HAVE to start with working on who you are as a person . Thats how the game goes . Doing makeup , I get to make people feel pretty but I love doing makeup to meet other spirits , thats what keeps me inspired . Its a blessing and I am forever grateful for this life journey I am on . 

Thank you to everyone who supports me & Thank you Jhenè & her team ! 

Peace & Blessings 

Xoxo - Fee La Tour 

Getting in Shape after a baby ... UGH !

Baby, Beauty, Health, Mom, Oprah, positvityFelicia LaTour1 Comment

Welllll my doctor said " Felicia , make sure you stay within the 25-30 lb. weight gain bracket . Pssss who was she fooling ? I gained a full 50 LBS. YIKES ! So much for staying within my bracket Dr. Patterson lol. I knew I was going to have work to do to get back to what I was before the baby if not close. I browsed through photos of me before the pregnancy and I was so skinny I almost feel like I looked sick lol . 5'8 & 128 lbs. Eghh too small . 

One thing about having a baby is you literally turn into another women . All of the sudden I have a big O'L booty  & hips . Looking back in the mirror like " danggggg girl ! " haha ! Only problem is mama needs some tightening & lifting . I'm a very busy person so I have to eat right as well as do exercises at home . I am slowly but surely getting back into working out but eating right is the 1st factor .

I am on a no carb diet until I lose the weight I desire which I have lost 38lbs. of the 50 so I am making LOTS of progress . I am drinking a lot of water and staying away from sugar drinks . Eating clean is something I am focusing on and just trying to get back into the swing of things . My workout routine is simple for right now . 

250 Abs, 50 Push Ups, 60 day squat challenge, 100 lunges . This week I am adding cardio which is including running & Yoga . As you can see , I use my newborn for a weight . She is with me all the time so I figured she can help me with getting back into shape . I mean , she did help me gain 50 lbs. lol . 

I am excited to share this workout challenge with you ladies and hope some of you moms join me in this journey ! Lets keep one another accountable and lose this baby weight ! 


Peace & Blessings 

XoXo- Fee La Tour 

STEAL back YOUR joy !!!

Health, Oprah, positvityFelicia LaTourComment

Often in life we allow others to steal our joy . We allow them to piss us off and take away the happiness we woke up with . It can be your friend , family member , a stranger in the next car . We give them the power to mess up our day and control our emotions . 

Lets try a different approach - 

When we feed into someones negative energy we become apart of it . We allow them to throw their energy balls at as and we catch them instead of dodging them . My little sister is dealing with this right now . She is very positive and is a hippie at heart . She deals with someone on a constant  who throws negative energy at her but she keeps catching it . 7 am this morning she caught the energy ball . Finally , I prayed on it and responded to her situation with the best advice I feel would help her . Here it goes ....

I said " Natalie , stop feeding into her energy . Stop allowing her to steal your joy every single day . You cannot argue with crazy , crazy will make you feel crazy ! Don't give this person anymore power . When they say something to try and shake your peace of mind , bite your tongue and smile . Sometimes people want to start drama because that is their normal . Don't EVER let ANYONE control your emotions . Keep your energy positive around you . Misery loves company sis , never forget that . Let your light shine so bright you reveal their true colors  " 

I hope that whoever is reading this never lets anyone steal there joy . Someone is rude to you , steals your parking spot , spreads rumors , says hurtful words , learn to not feed into their energy any longer. When you respond to people like this , its like adding fuel to fire . Energy is very powerful so make sure your positive energy over shadows their negative energy .


Peace & Blessings

Xox0- Fee La Tour  


* To comment on this blog post and share your thoughts , click on the title of the post and write you entry in at the bottom . 

Do everything from your SOUL ...

Health, Mom, Oprah, positvityFelicia LaTourComment

&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Operate from your soul and watch people become instantly inspired ...

          Operate from your soul and watch people become instantly inspired ...

Your soul is who you are . It is something that you wear on the inside of your body that keeps your body operating . Without your soul , you are not you, you are not alive . It lives forever and can never die , pretty impressive if you ask me .

 At the age of 23 I've done some really amazing things with my life thus far !  I would've never thought I would be where I am now . I realize that prayer and having this amazing thought process helped me manifest my dreams into reality. Along my life journey , I've come to realize that if I don't do things from my soul , it just doesn't work . The energy isn't transfered properly . The people won't feel me .  

I only know how to be me . I can be myself in several different emotional moods but when it comes to me sharing my positivity and enlightenment with my " Love Lights " I can only do it from my soul . The journey to finding out who I was and recognizing the difference between my soul and flesh wasn't an easy one by any means . 

I didn't always operate from my soul . I was a negative Nancy , very judgemental , and was operating from an egotistic stand point day in , day out . The moment I recognized my soul I began to live a life I could only dream of at one point . The key was finding out who Felicia really was behind the flesh . 

These days , I cannot operate if it isn't from the soul . I have no words to produce or projects if it doesn't come from the soul . I keep my mouth closed until my soul speaks threw me and we make masterpieces together . I remain still and in patience until my " ahhh ha !" moment comes. If I don't do my souls purpose I am unfulfilled and unhappy . Thats not the life I like to live or teach people . 

With all of that being said , make sure you are doing what makes you happy ! Don't try and please everyone else or try and do what everyone else " thinks " you should do . You came on this earth with a purpose that is placed inside of your heart and only you know what that is . Of course get advice from people when necessary but make your own decisions , always ! For the longest time I couldn't make my own decisions and drove myself and probably everyone around me crazy. Just decide :) Take life one day at a time and hope for the best . God / the universe has your back . With that mindset I promise you will feel unstoppable !!!

Peace & Blessings to all my LoveLights 

XoXo- Fee La Tour


Channel Your Energy Properly

positvity, Mom, Health, OprahFelicia LaTourComment

One thing I want to say  before I get into this topic is , I SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE AND EXPERIENCE ONLY .  I have to constantly practice what I speak as well as look for new ways to grow as a better human being every day . That comes with discipline and the willingness to learn regularly . When you do things from your soul , they don't just happen over night . You have to listen very carefully to your spirit as well as your gut intuition . That brings me to my next point .  

Channeling your energy properly - 

When I began my journey of  consciousness , I was very very afraid and confused . I one day woke up , and just began to isolate myself . I had no idea why I was isolating myself and what the purpose was . Now , 23 years young and looking at my life it all makes sense . It isn't easy to trust , ecspecially as a human being . We question everything ,  all the time ! Its just in our nature . So , of course , questions ran through my mind such as " am I doing the right thing ?" or " My friends aren't doing what I am doing , why am I the odd ball out ?" At the time I wasn't spiritually mature enough to recieve the answer to that question . 

My very first lesson was to channel my energy properly . That meant for me to go into isolation , which  consisted of ; working full time , no friend hang out time , reading , writing , and creating art . I disconnected from social media and I hibernated because I knew I was going through this for a reason . Questioning my every move , I learned to keep my faith alive and just trust . 

Fast foreword to my life today . I am healthy , happy , blessed in more ways I could ever imagine. I had to learn to channel my energy into my own journey . I learned very quickly that looking to the left or right of me would make me fall down . We all have our own purpose in life and we all have to practice discipline to figure out that purpose . Your soul will naturally lead you to where you are suppose to go ONLY if you're willing to allow it to . Our ego seems to get in the way the majority of the time . It is our job , to recognize the ego ( your flesh ) and tell it to simply " have a seat !" 

With all of that being said , I stepped into my purpose by channeling my energy properly . I stopped feeding things that didn't need to be fed . I also had to let a lot of friends go that were no longer serving a purpose in my life ( this is a VERY  hard part of the journey , test crucial part. ) . I still respected all with the understanding that everyone is on their own path and I cannot judge their footsteps . I am here to tell you do NOT be afraid of isolation ! You are one with God and being able to tap into that is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me . You learn so much about yourself as well as other people . Life seems to be a lot easier because you are spiritually in tune with the creator and learn to listen to the voice of our higher self as well as God . 

Trust your journey . Have patience , a lot of it . Don't let circumstances keep you down , they are only there to teach you something . Be as strong as you can , and when you feel like giving up , knell down and pray . 

Peace & Blessings 

XoXo- Fee La Tour