Makeup By Felicia La Tour


Sugar coat for what ?

Health, positvityFelicia LaTourComment

 I use to have a problem with speaking my mind for a very long time . Scared of what others would think I would hold in how I felt very often . Recently , I am around people who speak their mind and say to the left with " sugar coating " reality . I would always try and be considerate of others feelings without thinking about my own . Thats when I had it backwards. You don't have to be rude but you do have to think about your happiness when always being the " yes man ." Why do we put other peoples feelings above our own ? In life we must use the term "balance " more than ever . If you can't do something than say so . If you don't agree with something just say so . Don't sugar coat anything for anyone . You have to do what makes you happy . Be real , ALWAYS . Stand for what you believe in and remember to always stay respectful .


Xoxo - Fee La Tour

#FeeLove #PositiveVibesOnly 

Get to Know Fee a little deeper -

Beauty, Health, positvityFelicia LaTour1 Comment

Welcome ! 

The Video below is about me in my environment  as a makeup artist , model , motivational speaker , TV personality , and it all sums up to the person I stand as today . This video explains my logic on things in life as well as my vision .  I get to show people who Felicia is and my mission for people . This is a piece of my journey I am sharing with you , handle with care .


Xoxo- Fee La Tour 

Thank you to everyone who took part in this video !

This video is about Felicia La Tour and getting to know her a little closer . Makeup artist , actress , motivator is here to share her positive outlook on life and help those around her open their mind. She recently started her YouTube channel " Makeup & Positivity With Fee La Tour " which helps her share her positivity threw her art work . Felicia has a blog which is Fee-Love.Com that talks about daily struggles and how to handle it . A young woman with a dream and striving to reach people around the global with her positive energy . Watch this video and see the message as well as a little bit of Fee BTS and watch her energy speak to you ! Fee-Love.Com FeliciaLaTour.Com This video was shot and edited by Disney Hall

Learn to Calm Your Mind ….

Health, positvityFelicia LaTourComment


Alrighty, so idk about you but for me I use to always have these moments when my mind would just run wild . Out of control and filled with negative thoughts of failure , lack of , and doubt . Slowly but surely I began to gain control . It wasn't easy but I knew I had to gain control of my mind so that my world around me would change . I began to read several books on what happens when I let my mind go into a negative state .  I was freaked OUT ! I was creating madness in my life with all of these thoughts. As they say I was " blocking my own blessings " . I was my own worst enemy . I wasn't loving myself and was beating myself up mentally . Life isn't meant to be miserable and unhappy all the time , but that was the life I was choosing. I have a few things I do to keep my mind positive through out the day. I listened to motivational speakers , Played Reggae music ( all positive and full of life / hope ) , I would go on a walk ,  pray for peace of mind, and stay productive in things I enjoyed doing . I didn't want to live in my thoughts 24/7 . I was tired and drained . Tired of worrying, tired of creating my own madness. The best thing I did was take that first step . The first one is the hardest because doubt tries to come and rob you and has you back at square one all over again . I conquered my mind , I mastered the way to use my brain and its power . Without your mind on the right track you can not manifest things and be happy . It is your mind power that creates your world around you .  The first step into thinking positive is to check yourself. Recognize when you're speaking negative , recognize when you're feeling anything less than happy. Talk to yourself , put yourself in check and hold yourself  accountable ! Forgive yourself for beating yourself up  most of all. Keep doing this until it is second nature for you to be positive. Everyday is another day to try your hardest . You begin to manifest happiness all the time, and start to embrace yourself a lot more . We all want to be happy , we all want to be loved . You are not as " different " as you think. Yes you are unique but trust me , it starts with self discpline. Its the ones that actually take action into doing , that manifest their heaven on earth.

Peace & Blessings 

Xoxo- Felicia La Tour


Three Books below that helped me quiet my mind . Click purchase below and treat yourself to a healthy book :)