Makeup By Felicia La Tour


Do everything from your SOUL ...

Health, Mom, Oprah, positvityFelicia LaTourComment

          Operate from your soul and watch people become instantly inspired ...

          Operate from your soul and watch people become instantly inspired ...

Your soul is who you are . It is something that you wear on the inside of your body that keeps your body operating . Without your soul , you are not you, you are not alive . It lives forever and can never die , pretty impressive if you ask me .

 At the age of 23 I've done some really amazing things with my life thus far !  I would've never thought I would be where I am now . I realize that prayer and having this amazing thought process helped me manifest my dreams into reality. Along my life journey , I've come to realize that if I don't do things from my soul , it just doesn't work . The energy isn't transfered properly . The people won't feel me .  

I only know how to be me . I can be myself in several different emotional moods but when it comes to me sharing my positivity and enlightenment with my " Love Lights " I can only do it from my soul . The journey to finding out who I was and recognizing the difference between my soul and flesh wasn't an easy one by any means . 

I didn't always operate from my soul . I was a negative Nancy , very judgemental , and was operating from an egotistic stand point day in , day out . The moment I recognized my soul I began to live a life I could only dream of at one point . The key was finding out who Felicia really was behind the flesh . 

These days , I cannot operate if it isn't from the soul . I have no words to produce or projects if it doesn't come from the soul . I keep my mouth closed until my soul speaks threw me and we make masterpieces together . I remain still and in patience until my " ahhh ha !" moment comes. If I don't do my souls purpose I am unfulfilled and unhappy . Thats not the life I like to live or teach people . 

With all of that being said , make sure you are doing what makes you happy ! Don't try and please everyone else or try and do what everyone else " thinks " you should do . You came on this earth with a purpose that is placed inside of your heart and only you know what that is . Of course get advice from people when necessary but make your own decisions , always ! For the longest time I couldn't make my own decisions and drove myself and probably everyone around me crazy. Just decide :) Take life one day at a time and hope for the best . God / the universe has your back . With that mindset I promise you will feel unstoppable !!!

Peace & Blessings to all my LoveLights 

XoXo- Fee La Tour


Learn to Calm Your Mind ….

Health, positvityFelicia LaTourComment


Alrighty, so idk about you but for me I use to always have these moments when my mind would just run wild . Out of control and filled with negative thoughts of failure , lack of , and doubt . Slowly but surely I began to gain control . It wasn't easy but I knew I had to gain control of my mind so that my world around me would change . I began to read several books on what happens when I let my mind go into a negative state .  I was freaked OUT ! I was creating madness in my life with all of these thoughts. As they say I was " blocking my own blessings " . I was my own worst enemy . I wasn't loving myself and was beating myself up mentally . Life isn't meant to be miserable and unhappy all the time , but that was the life I was choosing. I have a few things I do to keep my mind positive through out the day. I listened to motivational speakers , Played Reggae music ( all positive and full of life / hope ) , I would go on a walk ,  pray for peace of mind, and stay productive in things I enjoyed doing . I didn't want to live in my thoughts 24/7 . I was tired and drained . Tired of worrying, tired of creating my own madness. The best thing I did was take that first step . The first one is the hardest because doubt tries to come and rob you and has you back at square one all over again . I conquered my mind , I mastered the way to use my brain and its power . Without your mind on the right track you can not manifest things and be happy . It is your mind power that creates your world around you .  The first step into thinking positive is to check yourself. Recognize when you're speaking negative , recognize when you're feeling anything less than happy. Talk to yourself , put yourself in check and hold yourself  accountable ! Forgive yourself for beating yourself up  most of all. Keep doing this until it is second nature for you to be positive. Everyday is another day to try your hardest . You begin to manifest happiness all the time, and start to embrace yourself a lot more . We all want to be happy , we all want to be loved . You are not as " different " as you think. Yes you are unique but trust me , it starts with self discpline. Its the ones that actually take action into doing , that manifest their heaven on earth.

Peace & Blessings 

Xoxo- Felicia La Tour


Three Books below that helped me quiet my mind . Click purchase below and treat yourself to a healthy book :)